Upcoming changes in NIC.LV EPP

Upcoming changes in NIC.LV EPP

The .LV Registrar’s domain name management system, NIC.LV EPP, will undergo changes on 10th of May, 2022.

  • After a successful .lv domain name transfer, its technical records (NS) will remain unchanged, unless the lvdomain:transfer element instructs otherwise;
  • Password hash upgrade. To migrate to the new EPP password hash algorithm, registrars need to change their EPP password;
  • In Contact Create and Update commands, the fax field contact:fax will be ignored;
  • IPv6 addresses will be supported for nameservers (as domain:hostAttr elements) in domain:create commands;
  • The error message number 2306 text will be changed from “Domain name cannot have two dashes in a row” to a more descriptive message, which includes the .lv domain name it refers to, “{domain name}: domain name cannot have two hyphens in a row.”.

All changes are already available for testing in our sandbox system (epp-sandbox.nic.lv) and described in NIC.LV EPP documentation https://www.nic.lv/epp/epp.html

If you have any questions regarding the updates, please contact us epp@nic.lv.