About us

You can contact us 24x7 by e-mail dns@nic.lv or phone +371 67085858.

NIC.LV - Network Solutions Department of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia is the top level domain .lv registry.

Our main priority is to ensure continuous operation of the top level domain .lv in accordance with international standards and best practice.

NIC maintains and provides:

  • Continuous, secure and stable operation and availability of the .lv domain;
  • 24 x 7 online service for .lv domain name registration and updates;
  • 24 x 7 online whois service for .lv domain;
  • maintains the accuracy and integrity of the Registry database;
  • 24 x 7 client support.

Contact information:

Address: Raina bulv. 29, Riga, LV-1459, Latvia
Tel.: +371 67085858 (24x7)
E-mail: dns@nic.lv
Registrar support: registrars@nic.lv
Public relations: pr@nic.lv
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LVregistrs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LVregistrs

Payment options:

You can pay for your .LV domain name usage rights via variety of different ways – using our NIC.LV online system or via money transfer at your internet bank. Payment details:

LU Matemātikas un Informātikas Institūts  
Raiņa bulvāris 29, Rīga, LV-1459, Latvija  
PVN Nr. LV90002111761  

BANK ACCOUNTS             
"SEB banka", IBAN: LV46UNLA0002220609628  
"Swedbank" AS, IBAN: LV56HABA0001407058518  

Upon payment, please indicate your domain name or the invoice number!

Office hours:

Office hours
Monday - Friday from 9:00 to 17:00
Saturday, Sunday -


NIC is an abbreviation and service mark used by the Network Solutions Department of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia. Abbreviation is derived from the term Network Information Centre used world-wide for top level domain registries. Network Solutions Department (NIC) is unaffiliated with the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia.


Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) delegates the management of the top level domain .lv to the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia. Since then NIC.LV has been managing it as a stable and interoperable part of the global naming system for the Internet community in a manner that is consistent with industry standards best practice RFCs (Request For Comments).


Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions are transferred to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Funding contract for research project between the U.S. Government, the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the University of Southern California (USC) expired and IANA funding is stopped. A fee for the Domain name systems maintenance is introduced. NIC.LV as well as other ccTLDs starts providing domain name registration and maintenance as a paid service. NIC.LV introduces “Domain name Dispute policy in TLD .lv”. Policy sets main approaches, which must be taken into account in domain name registration process.


NIC.LV launches a new website with new options: online domain name registration and transaction clearance system. NIC.LV starts modernization of domain name registration data base. NIC.LV drafts and adapts amendment of Domain name Dispute policy in TLD .lv, henceforth it’s called “Domain name dispute resolution policy of TLD .lv”. New policy becomes effective on July 1, 2000. Amendments are based on internationally developed documents on domain name registration procedures IANA TLD Delegation Practices Document (May, 1999), World Intellectual Property Organizations Report of the first Internet Domain Name Process (April 30, 1999), ICANN’s Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and Rules (August 24, 1999).


NIC starts providing whois services for .lv domain. World Intellectual Property Organization on June 20, publishes recommendation ccTLD Best Practices for the Prevention and Resolution of Intellectual Property Disputes, NIC.LV introduces these recommendations in .lv policy. In August 1, NIC.LV drafts and adapts amendments of “Domain name dispute resolution policy of TLD .lv”, which becomes effective on August 6, 2001.


NIC launches new, more user friendly website.


NIC is one of the first registries, which develops and introduces internationalized domain names (IDNs). Starting from March 1, 2004 NIC.LV offers for registration domain names in the Latvian language. Studies of WIPO recommendations and analysis of .lv best practice lead to amendments of Domain name dispute resolution policy of TLD .lv on June 1, 2004. State adapts Electronic Communications Law in which .lv domain was recognized as scarce resource. Law delegates the competence of appointing .lv domain Registry operator and developing general principles of domain .lv maintenance to the regulatory body - Public Utilities Commission.


In September NIC.LV joins Association of Internet Country Code Top Level Domain Registries (CENTR).


In May 19 NIC.LV exchanges letters with Internet Corporation for Assigned Names un Numbers (ICANN). In July 5 Public Utilities Commission appoints NIC.LV (Agency of the University of Latvia “Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of University of Latvia”) as the top level domain .lv Registry operator.


NIC.LV renews .lv domain names system infrastructre. December - NIC.LV establishes Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT).


From January NIC.LV reduces the fee for .lv domain name registration and maintenance. In February CERT NIC.LV holds Internet security-related seminars, where experts from Baltic and Netherland CSIRTs (Computer Security Incident Response Teams) share their experience on handling internet security incidents. In June, Latvia’s first Information Technology Security Incidents Response Institution - CERT NIC.LV receives international accreditation. Its’ mission is to prevent various violations and determine safe, lawful use of the Internet. In September a public sociological study The domain name registration liberalization possibilities in Latvia. was completed. In October NIC.LV places their secondary server in Lithuania.


In January 12 NIC.LV introduces the on-line domain name management system. From 19 to 21 of January NIC.LV CERT team organizes the *26th International TF-CSIRT meeting and FIRST symposium.* In June 1 .lv joins the CommunityDNS anycast infrastructure. In June 9 the top-level domain .lv becomes a member of ccNSO. In June NIC.LV completes the DNS server network modernization to increase the stability and reliability. In July 1 NIC.LV liberalizes the rules for domain name registration in top-level domain .lv. From July 10 NIC.LV services like www.nic.lv and recursive DNS server become available also using IPv6. In November NIC.LV introduces the Registry-Registrar model. In December NIC.LV launches their on-line systems mobile version. Although its possibilities are limited, it allows clients to manage their domain name technical data, even if they don’t have access to a computer.


In May 13 the new EPP solution is introduced for faster and easier registry – registrar data exchange. In September 19 NIC creates a new anycast cloud for its secondary servers d.nic.lv.


In May 9 “.lv” zone is signed with DNSSEC. In August 13 “.lv” DS records are published in the root server.


In March NIC creates its own ticketing system called NICKET, that significantly simplifies and speeds up customer support. In April 19 “.lv” celebrates its 20th anniversary and organizes an international DNS and Internet-related conference.


In January, before transition to euro, NIC.LV reduces the annual fee for direct registration and maintenance of a domain name under .lv to € 10 + VAT. In March 9 a.nic.lv server is moved to anycast. In June d.nic.lv anycast network is expanded by placing a new point in Daugavpils.


In June NIC.LV introduces its new modernized server room. NIC.LV expands its anycast network by deploying a new point in Tallinn, Estonia.


In March NIC launches its new website.