.LV domain name price increase

.LV domain name price increase

In order to ensure continuous operation, further development of the top level domain .LV and high quality service to .LV registrants around the world, NIC.LV has decided to increase the registration and renewal fees for .LV domain names starting from 1 September 2023 as the spike of resource prices and the growing number of compliance requirements have significantly affected the daily operation costs of the .LV registry.

The new NIC.LV price list (enters into force on 01.09.2023):

Period (in years)
Traditional domain name
Latvian domain name
incl. 21% VAT (EUR)
incl. 21% VAT (EUR)
10,00 12,00
12,10 14,52
7,00 8,40
8,47 10,16
19,00 22,00
22,99 26,62
13,00 16,00
15,73 19,36
26,50 31,00
32,07 37,51
18,00 22,00
21,78 26,62
32,50 39,00
39,33 47,19
22,50 28,00
27,23 33,88
38,00 46,00
45,98 55,66
26,50 34,00
32,07 41,14

What does that mean for .LV domain name holders?

If your .LV domain name expires after 1 October 2023 (included), the next prepayment invoice for the renewal will be issued according to the new NIC.LV price list.

If my .LV domain name expires in several years, will I be rebilled?

No! New invoice will be issued only when the domain name expires.

If I register a .LV domain name by 31 August 2023, what will the registration fee be?

By 31 August 2023 (included) the price of .LV domain names will remain unchanged. For registrations starting on 1 September 2023, the new fee will be applied.

Can I still register a .id.lv domain name for free?

Yes! A natural person with the domicile in Latvia will still have the right to register one .id.lv domain name with a 100% discount for the period of one year, including the rights to renew the domain name registration.

What does this mean for Latvian governmental and municipal institutions?

The governmental or municipal institutions of Latvia will still be able to register one .LV domain name per organisation with a 100% discount for the period of one year, including the right to renew the domain name registration.

What does that mean for .LV registrars?

In order to give our registrars some additional time to prepare for the upcoming .LV domain name price change, we have decided to implement the new pricing on 1 November!

The first invoice for .LV registrars, based on the new NIC.LV price list, will be issued by 5 November 2023. It will contain:

  • new .lv domain names registered in October (old price),
  • .lv domain names that expire in November (the new price).

If a registrar deletes a .LV domain name in October, but changes its mind in November, the price for the renewal of the domain name will be based on the new NIC.LV price list.

In the 30-year life of the .LV domain, this is the first time the registration and renewal fees have been raised.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail at dns@nic.lv or by phone at +371 67085858 if you have any questions or concerns.