DNS Security Best Practices: An Overview of Being KIND

DNS Security Best Practices: An Overview of Being KIND

NIC together with ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) are offering a series of webinars and online trainings primarily aimed at the Internet Community in Central Europe and the Baltics.

Next webinar: “DNS Security Best Practices: An Overview of Being KIND”

Date: 27 April (Thursday)
Time: from 12:00 till 12:30 (UTC), 14:00 – 14:30 (LV time)
Speakers: David Huberman, ICANN Technical Engagement Manager
Platform: Zoom

KINDNS(Knowledge-Sharing and Instantiating Norms for DNS and Naming Security) is a new initiative from ICANN. It is about adding a baseline of security for everyone in the world to enjoy. We do this through the promotion of DNS best practices; practices that every DNS operator, no matter how small, can and should adopt. Join us for a brief 30-minute webinar with interactive Q&A to discuss a new way of being kind!

More info: https://features.icann.org/event/icann-organization/icann-training-series-central-european-baltic-region-dns-security-best
Registration: https://icann.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ur-e8k18SPSuuc0nsU5Sqw


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